This project is a safe place for all survivors of the war on drugs. It is a harm reduction service for people anywhere on the continuum of our ever evolving relationship with substances.

Harm reduction-based substance use counseling

This project is a safe place for all survivors of the war on drugs. It is a harm reduction service for people in any and all stages of our relationships with the substances we engage with, and for those who acknowledge this as an ever-evolving process and practice. Presente 13 was created to serve all of us, with an added emphasis on anyone who might prefer to work with a queer, femme, or fellow drug user. This can also be a place for individuals who may not be comfortable meeting with a clinical therapist, or a mandated reporter, even if they are harm reduction based. 

I offer peer supported solidarity and counseling services based on 22 years of experience living the life as a counselor, and as a user (or both at the same time).

From my world…

Art has been a huge part of my own personal healing. I am in awe of the ability for emotive creation to transform violence and hate into love. I am using this space to share with you some of the most inspiring pieces from other artists and healers in my orbit. This is what I’m into right now.

This is a story about a cell. More specifically, this is a story about a series of cells that I went into…. but there are lots of different types of cells out there. 

Cells are for holding things. A container. A cubasa. They hold our sick and our ugly. The depravity, the violence, the despair…. when things get COMPLICATED. Cells make it so you don’t have to see these things, or interact with these things. They keep us safe from us. 

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Cells are for holding things